Design Direction
Trend Forecasting
Pattern Print Design
Mood Boards
CAD/Technical Sketches
Tech Packs
Product Development
Model Fitting
Manufacturer Liaison
Label Design
Market Analysis


Tech Packs





Hi! My name is Julia, and I reside in California.

My childhood dream of becoming an artist intertwined with seeking a form of visual self expression somehow led me into the fashion industry. But my inclination toward details and analytical thinking made me a natural Technical Designer. I have 17 years of experience under my belt specializing in tech packs and fits in men’s and women’s apparel, knits and wovens, from basic printed tees to intricate evening gowns, and from loungewear to activewear.

I continually strive to learn and keep up with the advancements of technology in the apparel industry. I believe fashion should integrate sustainability and circularity in order to coexist with the planet. I am looking for opportunities to support innovations and industry leaders making headway towards minimizing environmental damage.

I find inspiration and renewal by hiking and camping in nature. I exercise my focus by going on runs and reading. And I get fueled by trying new recipes and checking out new eateries.


Drop me a line